Aerial Yoga 

My passion for aerial yoga blossomed after my second trip to India in 2015. The freedom from movement restrictions, the creativity, and the strenght of this aerial style added a new dimention to my mat practice. I taught for five years at Mad Hatter studio and Open Space Studios in Hove, engaging in various workshops in Brighton, Eastbourne, Bulgaria and Bali.

The pandemic prompted a pause in my aerial teaching, but I've recently resumed, conducting sessions from my home studio in Patcham. Equipped with two divine swings, I offer personalized sessions, including one-on-one, two-on-one, partner aerial, and tailored classes for beginners and intermediate students. I eagerly await for your booking request.


  • Contact me bellow to arrange date and time 
  • Cost is £60 for a block of 4 sessions (monthly)
  • Duration is 45 minutes
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